Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Katie Atkinson and David McCreath

Entries from February, 2004

Winter pups


These dogs were made for winter. It’s so great to see them out running around in the snow. I haven’t managed to get a good action shot yet, but I like this one a lot. We’re up in the foothills of the Chugach and both dogs are listening to the bunnies running around in the snow. (So far nobody’s managed to catch one.)

posted by David at 10:46 PM on 4 Feb 04
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Where I've been


myworld66 has a nifty little app that lets you make a map of all the states you’ve visited.

I’ve been to more than I thought. There are a few states (Idaho and Montana, for example) that I’ve driven through without spending the night, but I’ve definitely walked on the ground in all the colored states. And now I have some vacation goals!

posted by David at 09:37 AM on 3 Feb 04
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