ansitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Katie Atkinson and David McCreath

Entries from October, 2003

The Canterbury Tales

The British Library has created an online presentation of two fifteenth century editions of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The books were printed by William Caxton, credited by the site as “the first English printer”.

In addition to high-quality scans of all pages from both editions, the site has transcripts of both books, biographical information about both Chaucer and Caxton, and background information on the time period and technology used to print the books.

posted by David at 09:10 AM on 28 Oct 03
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The Uses of Time Travel

I have a backlog of long entries in draft mode, but rather than finish up one of those, I’ll just post this picture and say that if I could travel through time, I’d only use it for eating. Well, and killing Hitler, but that goes without saying.

image of a 1940s menu [142 kb]

posted by David at 04:59 PM on 20 Oct 03
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