Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Katie Atkinson and David McCreath

Entries from September, 2003

More new wheels

I got a new bike (the PFD is about to get dropped in our bank account — $1100 for each of us this year). It’s a Gary Fisher Marlin hardtail (“hardtail” means it’s got a suspension fork but no suspension in the rear).

It’s big change for me, considering my current bike is ten years old (and the shifters I use are 15 years old). It took me three years of hemming and hawing, but in Alaska biking means mountain biking most of the time. I’m also hoping that the upright position and modern shifters will make winter riding a little easier. We’ll see.

posted by David at 09:57 PM on 29 Sep 03
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