Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Katie Atkinson and David McCreath

Entries from July, 2003

Movable Type Syntax Highlighting for TextPad

After downloading the MT clip library that Andre Torrez created for TextPad, I decided to make a syntax highlighting file to take full advantage of the new clips. (If you’ve never used a custom syntax highlighting file in TextPad, it gives you the ability to choose which colors are used to display different aspects of various languages.)

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posted by David at 04:58 PM on 25 Jul 03
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The Gutenberg Bible

The Harry Ransom Center Center at UT Austin has a complete Gutenberg bible, one of five in the US, one of twenty-two complete copies, and one of forty-eight still in existence. In conjunction with an online exhibit about the book, they’ve digitized every page of it, so you can find your favorite passages (if you can read Latin set in Gothic German type). The exhibit also includes plenty of information about the background of the Gutenberg Bible and its place in history.

posted by David at 08:46 AM on 23 Jul 03
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