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Happier New Year

posted by David on January 3, 2003 at 09:12 PM

There’s a tradition in the southern US that eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s day will bring you good luck. Many people serve a dish called Hoppin’ John, but in my family we have something a little different. It&#8217s nice because it’s intended to be served cold, so you can make it ahead of time and it keeps really well. I can never remember the recipe, and always have to get it from my mom, so this year I decided to immortalize it.

So if you haven’t had your black-eyed peas yet this year, get it done this weekend and you’ll probably be safe. If you’re looking for a way to prepare them, try this.

  • one can black-eyed peas
  • one-quarter cup olive oil (Since this is not a cooked dish, used extra-virgin. It’ll taste better.)
  • one-quarter cup wine vinegar (I usually use white, but I have made it with red and it’s fine, too.)
  • half a bell pepper, chopped into small pieces
  • one-quarter cup green onions
  • one-eighth cup sugar (two tablespoons)
  • one teaspoon garlic (or garlic powder)
  • one-half teaspoon salt

Mix up the whole shootin’ match in a bowl, cover it, and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours, more if you can. This is one of those things that gets better if it sits for a while, letting the flavors combine.


The reason for eating black-eyed peas in Texas, where we learned of the tradition, is that they bring good luck. Many folks eat them as a hot dish. This salad is one Ruth found, and it satisfies both the tradition and our tastes.

Comment posted by Dad | January 4, 2003 05:12 PM

This discussion has been closed. Thanks to all who participated.