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Dependent learning states

posted by David on October 15, 2002 at 07:39 PM

If I really need to get my head down and work, one of the best things I can do is turn on a never-ending stream of old school punk rock (late 70s–early 80s; up through the end of the first wave of US hardcore). I get happy and focussed and productive.

I guess it has to do with how important that music was to me when it was new. It made me happy. It was a huge part of who I was. I was in bands most of my late teens and early 20s, and if I wasn’t playing at a club, I was watching someone else.

I imagine other people experience this with other kinds of music, too, but I’ve never met anyone who uses old punk rock for concentration.

Oh, and for it to really work well, I have to be able to use speakers. Headphones just aren’t the same. Hm. Maybe it has to do with establishing control of my surroundings.


My gosh!!! I didn't know that was what got you focused and productive. Is that how you wrote papers? Do you remember the one in your junior year of high school? I will not forget that episode.

So where was this comment going. Do you do this at work? I can't imagine the rest of the crowd would be thrilled.

Comment posted by Ruth | October 17, 2002 05:55 PM

On another note........Antartica..brrrrrrrr -
though it sounds like fun

Comment posted by Julie Grove | October 27, 2002 08:03 PM

This discussion has been closed. Thanks to all who participated.